Corporations Saving Trees
Northern Virginia businesses: your community needs your help!
Invasive vines are killing mature trees that took 60-100 years to grow. Once they fall, the non-native plants smother the tree seedlings and prevent forest regeneration.
The woods in our parks should look like this

Don't let them turn into this!

Can you help fund the restoration work in our parks?
Five steps to rescue trees in our parks
Choose a park where trees are at risk from invasive vines. Our volunteer organization will facilitate the connection.
Review the park action plan
Choose your level of contribution. 100% of your donation will go to the park restoration project.
The park manager will contract with invasives removal professionals to do the work, a 3-5 year process.
Celebrate in your park!
Click on each park to read the action plan
Our park funding is insufficient to tackle the intensive remediation needed, and every year we delay adds to the total cost of restoration. If we act now, several years of professional treatment can greatly reduce the harm caused by invasives. After that, the parks can manage the invasives with their own resources and volunteers.
Northern Virginia's urban forests
Are essential to the ecosystem
Protect our watershed
Reduce air and noise pollution
Reduce the heat island effect
Provide habitat for the birds and other wildlife
Prevent flooding
Are essential to your employees and clients!
Enhance physical and mental health
Provide shade and cooling
Reduce air conditioning costs
Bring the joy of connecting to nature
Increase property values
Expected costs
This varies by area and the type of invasive. An average effort to reclaim a significant park space would cost $30,000 - $50,000, half in the first year and the remaining split over the next two years. Larger donations can take care of entire parks. Smaller donations can be rolled together with those of other donors to work in the highest priority areas.
Benefits to you
By funding the restoration of a local park, your company can demonstrate your social responsibility and commitment to sustainability. You can also improve your company's reputation and brand image, as well as foster good will and loyalty from your customers, employees, and stakeholders. Moreover, your company can benefit from the positive publicity and exposure that a park resotration project can generate.
How big a problem is this?
"In the D.C. area, 9 out of the 11 parks studied were categorized as in imminent or probable failure."
Which parks need help?
The park systems have made "wish lists" of parks in greatest need.
Can we have employee participation in the effort?
The bulk of the work needs to be done by professionals, but many parks have on-going invasive removal events where your employees can participate.
How do we manage invasive plants on our corporate property?
Proper plant identification and specific control techniques for each species is the key to success. Plant NOVA Trees volunteers can assist your landscape crews with an assessment of your property.
Are invasive vines the only non-native threat to our natural areas?
The invasive vines are the most obvious tree-killers but not the only ones. Invasive trees such as Callery Pear, Tree-of-Heaven and Autumn Olive displace the native trees and have taken over huge swathes of land. Invasive shrubs such as Mutlflora Rose and Bush Honeysuckle also crowd out the native saplings and make our woodlands impassable. At the ground level, Lesser Celandine and numerous other invasives smother the wildflowers

Click for examples of corporations participating in the tree campaign and helping our local ecysystem on their own properties
Porcelain Berry smothering trees in Lewinsville Park